Monday, January 30, 2012


Robert Anthony Alcaraz
11760 Cassidy Drive • Yuma, AZ 85367  •  928.581.7107  •
OBJECTIVE: To continue to further my knowledge and experience in the field of journalism.
EDUCATION                                                                                University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
      Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Theater Arts Minor, May 2012
            GPA: Cumulative - 3.3, Major – 3.7, Minor - 3.5
Honorary Dean’s List in Spring 2010, Fall 2010; Consecutive German Film Contestant Winner in 2009, 2010

Classes: Photojournalism, Multimedia Photojournalism, Reporting, Advanced            Reporting, Law of the Press, Journalism Ethics, Editing, Capstone, Reporting Public Affairs


   The Daily Wildcat, Assistant Photo Editor, Tucson, AZ, December 2010 – Present
·      Photographed wide range of categories for photo essays.
·      Assisted on writer’s articles with journalistically interesting photographs.
·      Photographed the UA campus during President Obama’s visit in January 2011.

   KAMP Student Radio, Radio Host, Tucson, AZ, January 2009 – Present
·      Created playlists and entered CD information in database of varied genres weekly.
·      Reviewed and discussed new artists and CDs over the air.
·      Demonstrated knowledge of FCC laws, and radio and production booth processes.

   One Day at the UofA, Photographer, Tucson, AZ, March 2010
·      Photographed the University of Arizona campus for 24 hours.
·      Four photographs were published in The Daily Wildcat.
·      Photographed sports, music, and students studying.

   Independent Work, Film Media Experimenter, Yuma, AZ, December 2005 – August 2008
·      Worked with amateur actors and filmmakers.
·      Collaborated with colleagues and produced short films.
·      Filmed and edited numerous video projects for school assignments.


Computers:  Proficient on Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Bridge; Final Cut Express; Vegas Movie Studio; Microsoft Windows XP/2007: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Movie Maker; Advanced Mac Knowledge

Professional:  Proficient photography and camera skills, proficient multimedia editing skills, excellent verbal and writing skills

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